>>Vote Expected Friday On Lebanon County’s Potential Move To Yellow Phase

(Lebanon, PA) -- Lebanon County is moving closer to going against Governor Tom Wolf and moving itself into the yellow reopening phase. Their county commissioners discussed their plans yesterday ahead of a Friday vote as to whether they follow through on Senator Dave Arnold’s letter to the Governor announcing the move. In response to Wolf’s threat to withhold financial support, Chairman Robert Phillips said that would be very unfortunate, since it is federal money.

>>Dauphin County Commissioners Don’t Vote To Move County Into Yellow Phase

(Harrisburg, PA) -- While remaining critical of Governor Wolf’s non-essential business shutdown order, two of Dauphin County’s Commissioners aren’t moving the county into the yellow reopening phase against his wishes at this time. There was no formal vote during Wednesday’s meeting for-or-against the proposed move which was initially discussed to happen this Friday. Chairman Jeff Haste did say the county wouldn’t fine any businesses for reopening. The county, instead, decided to form a Reopen Dauphin County Task Force to maintain contact with the Wolf administration and to put a reopening plan in place.

>>Berks County Commissions Plead To Wolf To Reconsider COVID-19 Closure Orders

(Reading, PA) -- The Berks County Commissioners are again asking Governor Tom Wolf to take another look at his COVID-19 closure orders. All three county commissioners and some small business owners and advocates are pleading for the state to allow more businesses to open safely. Commissioner Christian Leinbach says he believes all businesses are not being treated equally under the Governor's pandemic orders. The commissioners made no mention of dates to open or plans to defy the Governor and move the county into the yellow phase as some other counties have.

>>Lancaster County’s Commissioners Still Split On Move To Yellow Friday

(Lancaster, PA) -- Lancaster County’s Commissioners are split on whether they want to force the county into the yellow reopening phase tomorrow. During a meeting yesterday, Commissioners Josh Parsons and Ray D’Agostino didn’t back down on their plan to move the county against Governor Tom Wolf’s wishes. The commissioners did decide to spend money on a 24-million-dollar plan with Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health to help with contact tracing and provide more COVID-19 testing.

(Lebanon, PA) -- Lebanon County is moving closer to going against Governor Tom Wolf and moving itself into the yellow reopening phase. Their county commissioners discussed their plans yesterday ahead of a Friday vote as to whether they follow through on Senator Dave Arnold’s letter to the Governor announcing the move. In response to Wolf’s threat to withhold financial support, Chairman Robert Phillips said that would be very unfortunate, since it is federal money.

>>Lehigh County Commissioners Blocked Attempt To Move To Yellow Phase

(Allentown, PA) -- About eight out of nine Lehigh County Commissioners are calling the motion to move the county from the red to yellow phase premature after they blocked it in a vote last night. Commissioner Percy Dougherty says the region is not even close to yellow and added that he does not want to take the chance as much as he'd like for people to get back to work. Commissioner Nathan Brown was the only one that supported the move and asked that they put pressure on state representatives to urge the governor to make the switch before June 4th.

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