There Was Almost A Metal Supergroup With Moby, Tommy Lee & Dimebag Darrell

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Have you ever wondered what a metal group featuring Moby, Tommy Lee and Dimebag Darrell would sound like? Well, apparently Moby once did.

The New York native recently revealed he almost formed a metal supergroup with the Mötley Crüe drummer and Pantera‘s Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul. Moby reminisced on the never-to-be band, which was going to be called "The Sober Fucks," while participating in NME's "Does Rock 'N' Roll Kill Braincells?!" quiz following the release of his new documentary Punk Rock Vegan Movie.

"I’ve been sober for a while now, but this was a late-night, alcohol-fuelled idea between Pantera’s guitarist Dimebag Darrell, drummer Vinnie Paul, Tommy Lee and I," he said. "I regret not starting this chaotic metal band with them, which would have sounded like a cross between Pantera and my old punk group Flipper."

But that wasn't the only time Moby tried to form an unexpected metal group —he once approached Björk to start an extracurricular band as well. "In the early ’90s, I was having brunch with Björk and said: 'We should start a heavy metal band together'," Moby recalled. "She was very polite, but she had no idea what I was talking about! It was so far outside of her realm of consideration that it didn’t even register!"

Oh, what could have been.

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