One of the most dangerous toys in history just sold at auction for over 13 GRAND. Unless you're in your 80s, you're probably thinking, “What the heck is that?”
Well, in 1950, the mastermind behind Erector Sets decided to level up with a new science kit for kids: the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab. And guess what? It came with actual URANIUM. Yes, uranium, the same stuff that powers nuclear reactors and turns superheroes into mutants.
The kit came with four glass jars, each holding a tiny bit of radioactive material. So, naturally, kids could use a Geiger counter to measure the radiation levels. Fun!
It wasn’t that dangerous as long as you didn’t open the jars. But, let’s be honest, it still exposed you to the same amount of radiation you'd get from a full day in the sun. I’m willing to bet at least one kid opened those jars and probably ate the uranium. That’s how half the Marvel characters got their powers.
Some people say it’s the most dangerous toy ever made. "Radar Magazine" once ranked it second on their list of deadliest toys. The crown went to Lawn Darts.
They cost $49.50, whish was a lot of money back then! Only about 5,000 of these kits were sold between 1950 and ’51 before the government stepped in, probably because it was a little tricky to get your hands on uranium.
Now, full sets are rarer than a unicorn in good condition. Just yesterday, one sold at auction for $13,200. So if you’ve got one lying around in your attic, maybe it's time to retire early.