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Ozzy Osbourne hasn't touched alcohol in more than a decade, but during his drinking years the Prince of Darkness used to consume a shocking amount just to get through the holidays.
“I f***ing hate Christmas. It gets right up my a**hole,” he told The Sun in a new interview. “When I used to do booze and get f***ed up, I bought a barrel with 28 gallons of booze for me. I drunk it before it was Christmas f***ing Eve.”
Although Ozzy's restrained from drinking, he recently admitted he's "not completely sober."
"I use a bit of marijuana from time to time," he said in October. Ozzy's wife Sharon has been a big reason why he's stayed sober. "I'm lucky my wife kicked my butt, obviously. She would f***ing make life so difficult," he added. "Like with marijuana, she'll f***in' find it and get rid of it."
In a 2023 episode of The Osbournes podcast, Sharon and their daughter Kelly recalled the lengths they went to keep Ozzy sober. “I found [Ozzy’s weed],” Kelly recalled. “I came to mom, showed it to her, and then she’s like, ‘Kelly, do you need to go to the toilet?’ And I said, ‘No, I’m not doing this again for you, I’m too old now. I’m not going to s*** in dad’s drugs.’ [So] she s*** in it, and it was in this tiny Ziploc bag… she s*** in it, zipped it back up again, and put it back. When he found out, he went nuts and chased us down the hallway.”
And that's not the only thing Sharon tainted. “He wouldn’t stop drinking one time,” she explained. “He was drinking brandy, and I just got the bottle and rubbed it around my a**. And then he took a swig, and then he went back again, and then he looked at me and he goes, ‘You didn’t.’ And I go, ‘I did.’”