What Are Your Top 5 Thanksgiving Foods You Actually Want

Traditional Stuffed Turkey with Side Dishes for Thanksgiving Day

Photo: kajakiki / E+ / Getty Images

If you’re aiming to survive Thanksgiving with minimal effort (because, let’s be honest, who isn’t), here’s your foolproof shopping list.

Kroger asked people to name the five Thanksgiving foods they absolutely can’t live without. So, if you’re looking to do the bare minimum while still keeping the family from staging a revolt, here are the top five staples that made the cut:

1. Turkey – 83% of people said, "Give us the bird, or we’re not coming."

Because if there’s no turkey, is it even Thanksgiving? (Spoiler: it’s just a very sad Thursday.)

2. Stuffing – 55%.

AKA the dish that makes everyone believe they’re getting their vegetables in (it’s bread, but we won’t tell anyone).

3. Mashed Potatoes – 49%.

Sure, it’s technically a vegetable, but let’s be real: it’s just butter and carbs pretending to be healthy. Still, it’s a Thanksgiving classic, so who’s counting calories?

4. Gravy – 30%.

Because dry turkey is just not an option. Gravy is basically Thanksgiving’s version of a life raft.

5. Pumpkin Pie – 30%.

The dessert that turns even the most jaded of Thanksgiving guests into full-fledged dessert enthusiasts. Bonus points if you’ve got whipped cream, but we won’t judge if you’re just eating it straight out of the tin.

Interestingly, nothing green made the cut. So, if you were planning to sneak some veggies into the mix, well... good luck with that. Maybe next year you can try to pass off broccoli as “stuffing.”

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