Bob Hauer

Bob Hauer

Dad. Radio personality. Unapologetic shenanigator.Full Bio


28 Signs They've Got A Secret Crush On You

  1. They compliment you often - Not in an outright, obvious way. They’re trying to hide their feelings, after all. We’re talking about subtle things that almost *keyword, ALMOST* go unnoticed by you. A phrase like “cool sweatshirt” is subtle enough not to seem like it means much, but it does.
  2. They notice the little things - Not many people notice if you just get a trim, especially if you’re a girl. It’s just something that most people overlook in general. But if they notice enough to comment on it, they could be having some feelings outside of just friendship.
  3. They often start the conversation - If they’re constantly the one to start a conversation with you, whether it is in person or over text, it’s because they are always thinking about you. And also it’s because they always want to talk to you—a sign that they have a big crush on you.
  4. They initiate hanging out - When they’re the ones always asking to go grab a coffee, hang out, or watch a movie, they want to spend time with you. And although it could be that they are just being friendly, they might be hiding their true feelings of wanting to see you all the time.
  5. You catch them looking at you at strange times - Have you ever looked over at them in a group setting and noticed that their eyes were already on you? That’s because they were admiring your hotness—almost guaranteed.
  6. They never ask you about your significant other, if you have one - If you’re dating someone else and are just friends with this person, they’re never going to ask how things are going in your relationship. They probably like you, so it’s not something they are going to bring up at all. It’s too painful for them to talk about you being with someone else. This is definitely one of the signs they have a crush on you.
  7. They change the subject when you talk about someone you like - If that person isn’t them, they’re going to change the subject so they don’t have to listen to it. Again, they want the focus to be on them and the two of you, not someone else. That’s a huge indicator that they might have feelings for you.
  8. They ask about your family - People who only want to be friends with you aren’t going to go out of their way to ask about how your family is doing unless they know something is wrong. If they’re just “checking up” on you, they probably like you and want to show an interest in the things that matter to you.
  9. They ask deep questions - Most “just friend” types aren’t going to ask, in detail, about your biggest dreams, aspirations, and desires. But the people who have a crush on you will try to impress you by digging deep into your heart and soul. If they’re asking personal, deep questions, then that’s one of the signs they may have a huge crush on you.
  10. They make jokes about dating you - This is one that is pretty common. If they casually joke about “if you were my girlfriend/boyfriend…” all the time, that is a sign they clearly have a crush on you! That is their way of hinting around and throwing the bait out to see if you respond the way they want you to. Truth be told, they probably really wish that they were dating you.
  11. You hear that they’ve been talking about you to other mutual friends - When you have other friends coming up to you saying things like “oh yeah, so and so told me you did that,” or “this person was asking about your favorite hangout spots,” then they definitely like you. This means you are always on their mind, which is one of the huge signs a friend has a crush on you. They can’t seem to stop talking about you, even when you’re not there.
  12. They’re more “hands-on” with you - Not in a weird, perverted way. But they are closer to you and find excuses to make physical contact whenever they can. Little shoulder touches or a hand on your back is all it takes to show that they’ve got a crush on you.
  13. You two always wind up alone together - Somehow, no matter what the plans are or where you’re going, the two of you always end up alone together at some point. This is planned on their part and it’s because they want it that way. They want to be as emotionally intimate with you as they can, and they hope this will be a gateway to something more – like romance.
  14. They pay extra attention when you’re talking while in a group setting - When there’s a bunch of people around, it’s hard to focus on one person when you’re all friends. But if they like you more than that, they’ll be the one listening and hanging on to your every word even if someone else speaks at the same time. They might even ignore most other people because they really don’t care about anyone else but you.
  15. They smile more around you - Another one of the signs they have a crush on you is if they smile all the time. You know how it is. Being around your crush just makes you ridiculously happy, and you seem to always have a grin on your face. You get excited and feel giddy when a crush is in your presence, so happiness just radiates. If that’s them, they might be crushing on you.
  16. They never talk about their love interests - You may bring up your crushes sometimes, but they don’t. And if that’s true, it’s probably because they don’t like anyone else. And they don’t want to talk about anyone else so it’s very clear they have no romantic interest *but you!*.
  17. When in groups, they usually stick by your side - When someone likes you and you’re in a big group, they’re going to spend as much of their time as they can right next to you. They don’t want you talking to anyone else or having someone hit on you or ask you out.
  18. They discuss the future with you - No, not just where you’ll be that weekend, but where you’ll be five years from now. They’re gauging if your future goals are similar or not because they want to determine if there’s a chance it could work between the two of you.
  19. They find a reason to dislike everyone you date - There’s nothing more frustrating than a friend who seems to hate everyone you date. But this may be one of the signs they have a crush on you, and the truth might just be that they’re jealous. They might find every little flaw they can when you are going out with someone. They are doing this to get you to see that they are a better match for you.
  20. They confide in you more than anyone else - Do you know secrets about them that even their closest friend doesn’t? They are trying to build emotional intimacy with you so that you see them as more than a friend. Confiding in someone and putting their trust in them is a huge sign they’ve got a crush on you!
  21. They remember important/weird stuff about you - Not just your birthday or the date of a big event in your life, but they remember that you like your toast burnt or that you can’t stand the sound of twigs breaking. If they remember the weird stuff, this is definitely one of the signs they have a crush on you.
  22. Any form of unintended flirting - When someone has a crush on you, they’re going to accidentally flirt with you. It’s a natural human reaction. So if they’re flirting and you realize it’s not on purpose, it could be a sign they want to be more than friends.
  23. They do their best to look nice around you - If you two are just hanging out at their house, not doing anything else and yet they’ve dressed pretty nice and look well-polished, it’s because they’re trying to impress you. Because let’s face it – no one dresses up at their own home, right? Most people just want to be comfortable!
  24. People you’ve never met know about you because of them - If you go to a friend’s house, and their mom greets you with a hug and by name, but you have never met her before – that’s a sign. If their family and friends know about you before you’ve ever met, they like you. For sure.
  25. They show different sides of themselves - If you’ve seen them be goofy, happy, funny, upset, devastated, and everything in between, they might like you. They’re opening up and trying to show you their different sides and hoping that you’ll do the same. The more you do that, the more you two will get to know each other and they hope you will develop a romantic interest in them.
  26. They attempt to make you jealous - If you notice they’re bringing up hot people who are interested in them, or that they just seem like they’re trying to make you jealous in general, it’s because they want to know if you care about them enough to get jealous, which is one of the clear signs they have a crush on you. It sounds a little messed up, but hey, it probably works so that’s why they do it.
  27. They make a move - An arm around your shoulder, an all-too-intimate hug, or touching your face in any way can be a huge sign that they have a big crush on you. If you’re just friends with someone, you don’t make moves like that. You can probably even feel it coming on if you pay attention.
  28. They tell you - Some people are brutally honest. They’ll just straight out tell you they have feelings for you and want to take things a step further. At that point, it’s up to you to decide where you want to go from there.

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